
Peniking is Not Viagra, Its Way Better

In a recent survey conducted we learned that a lot of people have a misconception about peniking and what it does as they feel that it does what Viagra does and since Viagra is one of the largest selling drugs in the world why not take it instead of peniking? We bring you the details of both the products and what they do for you. In order to under both these products first you need to know how an erection works. How does an erection work? The process is relatively simple as all erections rely on a simple chemical called cGmp. The brain being aroused sends neurological signals to the penis. Nerve cells in the erectile tissue of the penis start producing nitric oxide- a chemical used to communicate between cells. This creates cyclic guano sine mono phosphate which mediates and controls the action of certain hormones. This newly created cGMP makes the blood vessels of the penis dilate increasing the blood flow. When the blood vessels are dilated, blood flow is increased an

All You Need to Know About a Woman’s Mind So That You Can Have Her Body

Oscar Wilde the great literary figure said that a woman begins by resisting a man’s advances and ends by blocking his retreat. Well this can be true of more than half of the woman in India as they rise to a fury when they hear the words pre-marital sex and regard it as sinful. Resisting all kind of physical contact through our lifetime is not in human nature. Sure there have been many who turne d chaste but they only turned so by being hypocritical – As they pretended to be chaste first and then they turned chaste. Attraction is the part of our nature that needs to be handled and managed well as when ignored it will turn on us and make us complex rather than simple. Slowly and steadily when you do not give up and keep making advances women reconnect with their nature and come towards you but then you run the risk of falling out of attraction and when you finally do it takes all your angst to get out of the relationship as the woman doesn’t want to let you. If she wante

Ego and Shame -The Main Factors in The Sex Game

Hugh Hefner said that religion is not the driving force behind civilization it is sex as we don’t produce off-springs for a higher power we produce them because we like sex. Penis and Vagina have a mind of their own and when they are on song they pull all our strings. Good performance in the bed boosts our self-esteem as it feeds us self- importance while bad performance makes us hot with shame. But so often than not, it is not the only kind of ego and shame we take and we bring you things that when not quelled down immediately will rise up and blow up on your or your partner’s face. 1) Gender Ego Well there are a lot of terms in the English language that have developed because of this ego like misogynists and feminists. It is wrong to regard one gender as superior as both are instrumental and indispensable in shaping up the world and without the cooperation and sensitivity of either we cannot achieve harmony. Yet there are attributes associated with both genders tha

How to Beat the Consequences of Erectile Dysfunction

All through the 19th century people have maintained a conservative attitude towards sex and it led to a lot of taboos with restrictions on women and men alike and newspapers narrating actions against these ideas as heroic. Any society which maintains a negative attitude about sex is a pretentious society as the society itself is a result of sex. It is very important that people look at sex as a positive part of their reality which needs to be addressed early in their life and nurtured throughout their adulthood. With that said erectile dysfunction is a problem that needs support and understanding from people around you who tell you it’s nothing to be ashamed of. 1) Ascertain the reason Erectile dysfunction can be caused by both physical and psychological factors. Physical factors include poor lifestyle, obesity and lack of regular exercise while psychological factors include a poor self-image and a negative attitude towards one’s own nature. Whatever it is it can be c

Temper Your Sexual Energy for Better Result

  It is very important to temper your sexual energy these days with so much porn available anybody can easily get carried away. We know you get horny and your partner gets horny too but do you always get horny at the same time? What about the times when she is horny and you are not horny and when you are horny and she is not horny ? Every couple faces this situation and not everybody has the same response. What we would like to tell you today is how to be responsibly sexual? 1) Avoid Extra Nudity Have you ever felt so aroused that you know that if you stepped out in public you will imagine everyone naked and it will distract you from the job at hand? Extra nudity is a real thing that has stemmed from the digital revolution . Porn sites have the most number of visits all over the world which speaks volumes about our love for flesh. We know people who cannot watch a T.V show or perform any other task without pausing for a quick look in their mobile phones for porn.

Food or Sex? Why Not Both

According to a study it was found that an average session of sex burns around 100 calories with kissing burning close to 70 calories . We know you care a lot about eating and even more about your sex life as if you are not on good terms with one of two you are sure to be bitter and dissatisfied. This conflict when not corrected can make you hate yourself and rob you of positive life experience. We bring you foods that won’t make you gain a lot of calories and still you a lot of energy so that you bang out the fat. 1) Chicken A chicken burger won’t make you fat but who eats just one? Sitting for 8 hours a day will surely increase your tendency to eat and it won’t take an analytical study to know why your weight is increasing. Chicken with its good supply of protein content, and essential vitamins and minerals helps in losing weight, controlling cholesterol and blood pressure. To make this consumption effective it would be best if you consume it boiled with a dash of salt

Your Complete Sex Guide In the Bedroom From Start to Finish

Sex is one of the most profound pleasures of mankind . All of us came from it and while there are social and cultural meanings of sex leading to particular brands of sexual behavior none of them can change the truth which is that it is a pleasurable activity and till men and women exist in the world they will keep moving towards each other till they come together full of heightened desires and achieve climax that satisfies them and tells them that they have realized their sexual potential. 1) Start with Kissing A body feels happy when it is truly appreciated and the sense of touch is indispensable to arouse sensations in your partner. Kissing is one of the most intimate activities man ever came upon . Our lips are an erogenous zone in our body as they are highly sensitive and tactile in origin for no other reason but to receive and give touch. Kissing sets the tone for other things. 2) Be gentle with your hands One of most underm